Customize Layout

Customize Layout

Quotion provides 2 options for you to customize the layout of your site.

Layout editor (Recommend)

You can edit the layout directly with the design editor. The best part is you can preview changes in realtime. Once you publish the changes, your site will be updated in 1 minute.

To access the Layout Editor:

Layout editor

You can edit logo, favicon, header links, footer links, and copyright on all tab, the hero editor can be found on home tab.

Home note (Deprecated)

You can also customize the layout using your Apple Notes app.


This option is deprecated, as it's error-prone, has many limitations, and will cause issues when mixing it with the layout editor. We keep it for reference purposes only.

How to migrate the home note to layout editor?

All you need to do is click the save button on the design all & home tabs. This action will save your home note configurations directly. Once saved, you can delete the home note safely.

Home template

Copy the content below to a new note as a start point.



Site faviconSite logo


Home Features Pricing Docs


Peak Blog

Explore Our Creative Universe: Insights & Inspirations

The latest industry news, technologies and resources from the team.


About RSS Sitemap ©Copyright 2024 Peak Inc.

You must keep the same structure or it won't work, all headings like Icons, Header, Hero and Footer shouldn't be renamed or moved.



Put 2 images here (favicon and logo), no more no less. Other formats like texts will be ignored.

If you need to make a logo by yourself, here are some free tools you may find useful:


Only links work, texts or images won't work, you can change, add or remove links.


You can change all texts, or remove the decorated text like Peak Blog, but must have a hero title like Explore Our Creative Universe: Insights & Inspirations. Links, images will be ignored.


You can change, remove or add links, the last text will be treated as copyright note, other texts and images will be ignored.


Here is a real-world example. If some parts didn't work, you can take a closer look.

Home example



Don't mix up the 2 options, or the home note will be out of sync because the design editor will overwrite it.


Build your blog with Apple Notes in less than 5 minutes! Try Quotion (opens in a new tab) for free!